Hexadecimal Codes, are based on the base 16 system, which means that the codes go up by sixteen (in our number system the numbers go up by 10). So in the hexaadecimal system the place value chart will look something like this:
So basically to find out a value you multiply blue letter or the number with the red number. And then that is your result. Then you do the same to all the other columns and then add up the answers that you get from multiplying them. The hex codes also have letters in them... because to continue to say fifteen you can't say it's 15 because the 1 would fall under the 16 column. So after you've exhausted all the numbers in that column then you can use letters from a-f. A=10 and F=15. Here's a chart for a few numbers
Basically you multiply the value in red and the value in blue. That's pretty much it. And that's how the colour code is made.
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