If there’s one person you have to listen to when it comes to presentation, I’d say Seth Godin (check out his talk on ‘Sliced Bread’ here) would probably be that person. If I had a choice I’d go for Steve Jobs, but it seems like Steve gets most of his ‘cheers’ in his keynotes from Apple employees sitting at the back of the presentation. Okay, I’m only kidding. But, no, everyone should learn how to give great PowerPoint presentations. I’ve blogged about this before, and I can’t seem to stop blogging about it.
The world as we know it would be a much better place if everyone could do a proper PowerPoint presentation. So please, read Seth Godin’s article on Nine Useful PowerPoint tips.
One interesting thing I’d like point out though is about the fonts point he mentions. Please, please, make the fonts at least BIG enough. And only use custom fonts if you’re going to be presentation on YOUR computer, because the presentation won’t probably work on any other computer, unless you save your presentation as a PDF or something. Also, he should have mentioned that one must never over do the presentation with too many animations, but that’s a point mentioned all too often. Nonetheless, I’ve yet to see a presentation that listens to all this advice out there.
May be someday in the future, PowerPoint will have the ability to zap people (nothing above 400v of course… we don’t want it to be inhumane) if they break any rules?
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