If you've used commercial speech recognition software you probably realize that one feature missing in windows speech recognition is the ability to have macros. However, windows actually does provide a tool which you can use to create your own custom macros.
These macros can be text macros, command macros and several other types of advanced macros.
Setting these macros up is very simple, one you have Installed speech recognition that is. All you need to do is download (and install of course) the window speech recognition macro tool and start using it.
For instance, you can create a text macro like so (You’ll have to open up the macros tool from the start menu):
You can also create a macro that will open up the most recent file that you worked on and open it up in the word editor of your choice.
That's it!
I must say it is a pretty handy tool if you are bogged down with a lot of work
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