Nevertheless, there seems to be an easy fix for this (sort of). Here's what you can do for now (I think I read about this at smartassism a while ago, but I've tried to describe it a much simpler way here). The instructions pretty much tell you to revert to the older version of Wikipedia:
- Go to wikipedia in Safari because uses Safari to load Wikipedia
- Log-in. If you've never done this before, you can create a new account by clicking Log-in/register at the top right of the page. While logging-in check the Remember me for 30 days box. This box will set a cookie in your computer, because you probably don't wan't to sign into wikipedia every time you want to use it from
- Once you log-in click on My preferences at the top right again, and click the Appearance Tab
- Set your skin to MonoBook and save your preferences
- Restart and Wikipedia, the most complete and reliable source known to mankind, will work perfectly again
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